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The Undergrounds Cheat Code: Marjety

Marjety is a name that frequently surfaces when discussing the underground music

scene. His latest release, "Cheat Code," is a prime example of why he is worth mentioning. The song, produced by biinx, boasts an outstanding instrumental, complemented by Marjety's true nature rapping style. The beat itself is melodic, bouncy, and carries a sense of redemption, resulting in an overall harmonious experience.

Marjety doesn't waste any time and jumps right into the song with his vocals, exuding his

emotions and telling a story. This is a recurring theme in many of his songs, where he enjoys

portraying a specific narrative or point of view from his life. In addition, he likes to experiment with his vocal abilities throughout his music which can be evident in his track "Lost My Voice" where he’s heard portraying much higher pitches than normal.

As a result, Marjety has gained a considerable following on social media, and his music

has attracted a new and diverse fanbase. Fans have been particularly drawn to his EP, "RED

Mixtape Vol 1," which has become a fan favorite in his discography. Marjety's willingness to

collaborate with other underground artists in his scene has not only allowed him to expand his network and reach, but it has also resulted in some fantastic collaborations that showcase his versatility as an artist. For instance, his collaboration with Katozai on the song “Unstable” is a fusion of Katozai's heavy 808 trap style and Marjety's melodic approach. It's a perfect

representation of the fact that Marjety isn't afraid to explore and step outside his comfort zone.

While Marjety has his own signature voice and style, he also enjoys playing around with

it as well, frequently changing up his tone. His unique and versatile approach to music has

caught the attention of many and gave him what you can say as the “cheat code” to having a noteworthy name in the underground scene.

Written by: Won Hunnid (@w0nhunnid)

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